The dream cart 59/100 by Karólína Lárusdóttir (1944-2019).
Siblings meeting by Sigrid Valtingojer (1935-2013).
Financial director.
Cairn by Edda Jónsdóttir (1942- ).
A gift from Student Council in 1989.
Exhibitions and Public Relations Coordinator.
Untitled by Magdalena M. Kjartansdóttir (1944- ).
Untitled by Bragi Ásgeirsson (1931-2016).
Vík - meeting room.
Sunday afternoon 7/100 by Karólína Lárusdóttir (1944-2019).
Seasonal change by Sigrid Valtingojer (1935-2013).
Team leader - information services and web editor
Reflection by Hafdís Ólafsdóttir (1956- ).
Exhibitions and Public Relations Coordinator.
Prophecy of the seeress by Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir (1933- ).
Untitled by Jean Larson (1955- ).
Records management.
Prophecy of the seeress by Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir (1933- ).
Vík - meeting room.
Launched 4/100 by Karólína Lárusdóttir (1944-2019).
Human Resources Manager.
The Queen waits by Sigrid Valtingojer (1935-2013).
Mountain lava by Hafdís Ólafsdóttir (1956- ).
Director of Services and information.
Circulus Folican by John Senex and Benjamin Martin
Himmelglobus, London 1762-63.