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Course reserves: Lecturers

Course reserves are a collection of materials reserved by lecturers at the University of Iceland for the use of their students

Important dates for spring semester 2025

Requests for course reserves for spring semester 2025 opens November 4th 2024.

A friendly reminder sent out to lecturers December 9th 2024.

Please note: To ensure course reserves are made available for students at the start of the term, requests need to be made at least 7 days before the semester starts.

For lecturers

All lecturers at the  University of Iceland are welcome to use the library's course reserves. The course reserves is a collection of books, DVDs and other material that lecturers at the University of Iceland have requested be made accessible to students enrolled in specific courses. 

Course reserves are for students at the University of Iceland 

Course reserves can be found on the 3rd floor of the library and are only intended for students at the University of Iceland. The books are accessible on open shelves and marked with the course within the relevant school. Students can therefore easily find the textbooks they need.

Individual reservation for material in the course reserves

Individual reservation of material from the course reserves is unfortunately not available. Students can get an extension on loans for materials from the course reserves only with written permission from the lecturers. 

Please send requests to: and please include the name of the student, course name and number and how long the loan should be extended. 

Send your request

Please note: To ensure course reserves are accessible for students at the start of the term, requests need to be made at least 7 days before the term starts.

Please remember to include the following information in your request:

  • Required loan period
  • Name and number of course
  • Name of the lecturer

Send your booklist here:

Email notification

Email notification is sent out to all lecturers at the University of Iceland when course reserves have opened for requests. Please note that it is important for requests to be made in good time before the term starts. This is to ensure that all material is accessible to students at the start of the term. It is also important to remember that, with longer lists, it can take our staff a little bit longer to make arrangements and acquire material.

For special requests and further information please email or call 525-5781

Please note that it is now possible to send requests, for the coming fall term, in May each year. This is to ensure that all material is made accessible for students at the beginning of the fall term. 

Do you need to order new material?

If a certain textbook is not available at the library (and not available for interlibrary loan), it can be purchased for the course reserves. It is important that all purchased orders be approved by the university school beforehand. Please note that everybody is welcome to send individual purchase requests to the library. For further information please contact us at the course reserves and we will gladly assist. 

Please note that it is important to send us purchase requests in good time before the start of the term. Orders for new material usually take 2-3 weeks to arrive but orders for older material can take up to 2 months to arrive.

Use of privately owned material

Lecturers are welcome to bring their own materials (books and DVDs) to make available for students. Please note that all privately owned material will only be made available for in-house use.  

Lecturers are kindly asked to pick up all privately owned materials after the term has ended, or if the material is not needed for the course anymore. It is also possible to request privately owned material to be sent via mail to the lecturer´s school.

Please contact the course reserves for further information.

Loan periods for course reserves

Please remember to choose loan period for the course reserves. Loan periods can be seen below.  

Please note that DVDs can be checked out for a maximum of 3 days.


Red marker: For use on site​

Pink marker: One-day loan

Blue marker: Three-day loan

Yellow marker: Seven-day loan

Green marker: Two-week loan