The course reserves are situated on the 3rd floor in Þjóðarbókhlaðan. It consists of books and other materials that lecturers at the University of Iceland have requested be made available for their students
First we sign in to and then we click on the magnifying glass.
Then we select Course reserves.
In this example we are going to search for books for the course FOM102F Introduction to Qualitative Research. We type the shortnumber for the course FOM102F into the search bar and click on the magnifying glass.
We get 14 results. We select the first result, Qualitative research methods.
There are two items. Both items are in place. One item for can be loaned for 14 days and the other one is for in-house loan (icelandic: innanhússlán). The call number is 300.72 Hen. Both copies are available in the course reserves on the 3rd floor of The National and University Library