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PIN for self-service machine

The instructions here below show how users can sign in to and create a PIN to use for the self-service machine at The National and University Library. Please note that users can also go through the same process on to create a PIN for self-service machines for other libriaries.

Step 1

We recommend choosing English as a default interface language If you haven't already. First we sign in and click the user name in the upper right corner. 

Step 2

Then we select Library Card.

Step 3

Next we select Personal details.

Step 4

Then we select Update login credentials.

Step 5

We type a new PIN into the Pincode field and select Save.

The PIN has to be at least four digits and can not be a part of your kennitala or phone number.

Step 6

If everything goes as planned you should see a green banner with the message Details saved successfully.