First we select Advanced search.
Advanced search has many options. Here we are going to search for and Icelandic translation of Dubliners by James Joyce. We start by selecting Title in the search filter. Next we type Dubliners into the search bar and the we select Books in Material type and Icelandic in language. Finally we click Search.
The search returned two results. We click on the first result to see if the book is accessible.
Books in The National and University library are labeled Lbs-Hbs. If we get more than one result it is always best to select Lbs-Hbs Þjóðarbókhlaða. We click on Lbs-Hbs Þjóðarbókhlaða for more detailed information.
There are two items on the 4th floor (4. hæð). The call number is 823 Joy and the item is in place. The user can find the item on the shelf and borrow it at the circulation desk.