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site header image (in English): Journal search

Step 1

We use this if we want to find out whether a journal is accessible online.

First we select Journal search.

Step 2

In this example we are going to search for the journal History and theory. First we type the title into the search bar and click on the magnifying glass.

Step 3

We see the journal in the search results. We click on the journal to see where it's accessible.

Step 4

We can see that the journal is accessible in two databases. It's accessible on JSTOR from 1960 with a 5 year embargo and it's also accessible on Wiley from 2003. We select Wiley to get access to the most recent articles.

Step 5

On Wiley we can see that the journal is accessible through Landsaðgangur (Iceland Consortium for electronic subscriptions).